Command Line App


As User

Download the accountlite.exe binary executable file from the latest release.

As Developer

⚠ You must have MinGW installed and setup on your computer. Check by typing g++ --h in your command line.
  1. Clone the repo and enter the folder
  2. Run make.bat or ./make.bat
Linux & Mac
  1. Clone the repo and enter the folder
  2. Run or ./


There are 7 commands at this point in the software. ⚠ All the commands are case sensitive


Use this command at any point to exit. If you're in middle of an operation, let's say entering a journal, you can use this command to exit the operation.

If you use this command outside an operation, it'll close the software.


Clear your screen.


Create a journal entry.

This command will ask for the following inputs

  1. DEBIT: Debit side ledger of the journal entry.
  2. CREDIT: Credit side ledger of the journal entry.
  3. AMOUNT: Transaction amount.
  4. NARRATION: Transaction narration/ other details

View all the journal entries.


View all the journal entries for a period.

This command will ask for the following inputs

  1. FROM: Starting date of the period. (7 days ago is the default)
  2. TO: Ending date of the period. (Today's date is the default)

Creates a ledger.

This command will ask for the following inputs

  1. NAME: Name of the Ledger.
  2. TYPE: Type of the ledger
      Possible Types :
    1. Revenue
    2. Expenditure
    3. Asset
    4. Liability
    5. Equity

View a particular ledger for a period.

This command will ask for the following inputs

  1. FROM: Opening date of the ledger. (7 days ago is the default)
  2. TO: Closing date of the ledger. (Today's date is the default)
  3. ACCOUNT NAME: Name of the Ledger/Account.

View list of Ledgers/Accounts


View the Trial Balance for a period.

This command will ask for the following inputs

  1. AS ON: 'As On' of the trial balance. (Today's date is the default)